Saturday, April 2, 2016

''I'm fine''

Hello guys!

I actually wrote 3 different posts and they still weren't the thing I wanted. I'm writing a 4th one now. At the time I'm a mess, my life is all over the place and I'm so confused. And here is also school, oh and my health and many other things. I really hope that this post will be okay. Sorry for explaining my emotions. The title is 'I'm fine' and please don't think that this is about me. Today I'm writing about one of the biggest lies anyone could say.

What does it even mean? It should mean that you are okay, that everything is fine and you are happy. But does it really in this time? No. It is just an excuse that you don't have to explain yourself. But believe me 'I'm fine' wont hide all your scars, pain and sadness. It will just leave you alone. Stop hiding the tears, the cuts on your arm, the pain in your chest, the smoke that comes out of your mouth. You are worth as much as all the other people around you. And you are worth all the help you need. Sometimes you need help from the others, even if you want to help yourself alone. Tell someone, but don't expect that everyone will understand how crying makes you stronger, how all the pain leaves with the cuts, how one cigarette can make you calm down and how anxiety attacks affect on you.

We live in a world, where all people don't understand all of these things, so if anyone starts talking that you are a bad person for doing it or that it's not worth it, just forget about them. Picture a world without them. They aren't your mom. What I'm trying to say is that many people say 'I'm fine' because we are scared of other opinions. You know what? Are they going through your problems? No they aren't, so just let them be in their small world of perfect. Someday everyone will learn that imperfections are the true beauty. There are 7 bilion people in this world, there is always someone in the same position as you.

Trust it just to the person who has the real mind to help you. So that there wont be any 'You seemed fine'. Cause 'seemed' is a tricky word, I guarantee you that with every inch there something isn't fine. Things aren't really what they 'seem' to be. Give your anger of I'm not fine to someone. Tell them every fucking little thing in your head. Break a plate while crying, scream loud. Do whatever the hell makes you feel free from all the pain. People like me will fight for you.We will make sure that there is always someone. In the end everything of this is a style of surviving and we have to deal with it.

Believe me, there will always come someone to you and he or she will make you feel better. Maybe the society is fucked, but we all need help, the world started with helping. So with some time, when everyone will be fucked and almost dead, we will get that power. Find your own hero.

Have a nice day, I love you! xoxo

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